Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Unique Opportunity

Last Saturday, Oct. 8th, was the Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Payson Temple.  Ryan had received tickets for our whole family to go but the weather was looking cold and rainy and I didn't feel good about taking the baby.  I decided to keep the younger kids home and have just Ryan and Dallin go.  Friday night Dallin was up late with a friend and on our way home he told me that he never gets to sleep in and that he wished he could just sleep in late on Saturday and not have to get up early.

Believe it or not Dallin was the first one up Saturday morning and was showered and dressed in warm church clothes before Ryan was even ready.  I sent them on their way and headed to the Stake Center to watch the proceedings with the rest of the kids where we could be warm and dry.

There were several speakers and then we heard from Dallin H. Oaks who also offered the dedicatory prayer.

After the prayer he told the men in the audience they were welcome to cover their cold heads.

Then he invited four groups to participate in the actual "groundbreaking".  The first group were the apostles that were present.  The next group was the 26 stake presidents that were there.  Here is a picture of ours, President Duffin, in the center.  Next he had all the civic leaders and city mayors come forward.  And finally he had this...

He invited all 12 year old Aaronic priesthood holding deacons to come forward and participate.  Dallin was in the final group of all those boys.  It took my breath away to see him standing near Elder Oaks participating in such a special occassion.

I asked Dallin how he felt about being a part of the ceremony and he said it made him really happy.  I asked him if he was glad he didn't sleep in and he said he was really glad.  I'm so proud of this boy.  He is diligent in fulfilling all of his responsibilities and commitments and he is devoted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

On a side note, I've mentioned this before but we named Dallin after Dallin H. Oaks because we hoped we would have a first son who would be dependable and responsible and devoted.  I think this last picture captures a moment I could have never imagined nearly 13 years ago but warms my heart.


Nikki Jenson said...

Lauren, that is so neat! I feel so honored to be your sister!

Karin said...

I am teary reading this! What a great opportunity for Dallin! So, so neat.

Jacque said...

I totally got tears in my eyes! That is so sweet. What a special moment.

Lori said...

I love this story! You just made my night & made me cry. How proud you must be that he took that opportunity do something he will likely not do again...& something so significant! Did I mention that I miss you terribly?!

Breanne said...

That is beautiful.

Amberlyn said...

It was a beautiful moment. The whole ground breaking was filled with the spirit.
I cried when Elder Oaks announced the 12 year olds would get an opportunity to turn the earth. The Temple is for everyone!!

Ross and Kathy said...

What a handsome young man. Good job Dallin (both Dallins).

Unknown said...

That just made me cry. What a wonderful experience. :D

Kelly M said...

Ok so I am finally reading your many posts. And this one made me cry too! I have known your family for many years and if I knew that you named Dallin after Dallin H Oaks, I had forgotten. That was so special! What an amazing picture and memory for Dallin.