Wednesday, October 26, 2011

First Day of School

Monday August 22 was the first day of school for Dallin, Cameron, and Eden.  It was a crazy morning (although not nearly as crazy as it is about to get) so I unfortunately didn't get a picture of Dallin on his first day of Jr. High.  I was so nervous for him I thought I was going to have a heart attack.  Ryan drove him to school and dropped him off and I had to fight the urge to run there and follow him to all his classes to make sure he was okay.  (We did go to the school twice the week before to make sure he could open his locker and find all his classes).  He rode home on the bus (another source of worry) and told me he had one of the best days of his life.  I was stunned.  He loved it!  

The girls were a little easier to send on their way.  It was Eden's first day of all day school but I was excited for her.  She has every one of her little friends in her class this year.  She was especially looking forward to school lunch and it didn't disappoint.

So what did those of us left at home all day do?

We danced.

Austin turned on the music on the ipad and set it near Evelyn and danced around the living room for about an hour.  It was awesome and Evelyn loved it.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

Keep up the good work. This is great stuff.