Tuesday, October 25, 2011

School Projects

Man am I far behind. I'm going to get caught up starting all the way back to August 19th.  The friday before school started I finally got around to going through the kids' school boxes from last year (it was a busy summer, remember).

Austin had preschool with Erica Hansbrow.  She did a great job and he made a lot of fun crafts.  I like how he tried to "wear" as many of them as possible for this picture.

Cameron had Mrs. Hughes last year.  I love her.  She makes the kids do book reports which I think is great.  Cameron also won a lot of awards and overall was a great student.

Eden started school last year with Mrs. Broderick.  She was so sweet and made Eden feel so loved which I really appreciated.  I only made it on one field trip with Eden because Evelyn was born in January.  I felt bad missing so much of her first year of school but I know she had a lot of fun.  She is a very talented little artist and did some great work.

Dallin had Mr. Gull for sixth grade.  It's hard to imagine he graduated elementary school.  Sixth grade was pretty demanding with a lot of really big projects but he did a great job!  You wouldn't know by looking at this picture, though.  They did a lot more projects in groups and so he didn't bring home as much.  I had to go to his class several times throughout the year and walk around to see all the things they had been working on.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

Pretty great! Makes me tired just looking at all that work.