Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Swim Fun

For the rest of Spring Break we took it easy at home. Ryan and I came down with monster colds that really wiped us out. He ended up taking more time off work than he intended and we ended up letting the kids watch more movies than we were originally planning but nobody was complaining and the kids enjoyed the rest of their break. The one thing Ryan and I mustered ourselves up for was to take the kids swimming on Friday morning. It was the one thing Austin wanted to do all week. I wish I could have gotten pictures of the kids swimming. They are all fish, even Evelyn. Her poor little lips were blue and her little teeth were chattering but she had a permanent smile on her face. 

I was able to get a picture of the girls' new swimsuits this year. Aren't they cute?


Jacque said...

Such pretty girls!!! Evelyn looks like she's thinkin' "Bring it on!"

Ross and Kathy said...

NOW THAT'S CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!