Friday, June 27, 2008

Austin's First Roller Coaster Ride

On Saturday June 14th Ryan's work took their employees and families to Lagoon. It was Austin's first time on a roller coaster and, as you can see, he loved it. It was a beautiful day, 85 degrees and breezy, and we had a great time, until the power went out. We waited 2 hours for it to come back on. But because of the inconvenience Lagoon honored our tickets for another trip before the end of the month. So we went again on Wednesday. This time Austin knew what to expect and was soooo excited. I was even able to bribe Eden into taking a nap the day before by telling her I wasn't going to take any crabby kids on roller coaster rides.

This was the first time Dallin and Cameron were big enough for all of the scary rides. After a bit of coaxing, at first, Cameron decided these were definitely the better rides in the park.

I gave in to some serious temptation and indulged in a little funnel cake. It's been decades since I've had funnel cake and it's one of my favorite treats. I was determined to finally enjoy a treat I'm allergic to and just suffer the consequences. Fortunately, they were minor. Yay.

1 comment:

The Lowe Fam said...

That turned out pretty cool! What a cute family! Loved Austin's squeals. He probably will turn out a little braver than his Dad if he's already riding roller coasters. (Just an inside joke for Ryan. Ryan was too chicken to ride the big rides at Lagoon when I wasn't.)