Friday, September 25, 2009

Hilo, Hawaii

Ryan was up at the crack of dawn every morning, as you can see. The first night he wandered the library at 3:30 but as the days went by he was able to sleep in until 5:30 and then even 6 am! He took lots of sunrise shots but I thought the ones on Tuesday morning as we were coming into Hilo turned out the best.

It was strange to have a rental without Dave and Kathy. But I was feeling miserable enough it was probably a good thing. Ryan called Dr. J from Wal Mart and got some sound medical advice, and some antibiotics. Then we went sight seeing, just the two of us.
Rainbow Falls.
Volcano National Park, active as you can see.

Kapoho tidepools. It was like snorkeling in someone's aquarium except that it was miles' long.

We also went to a Lava State park before heading back to the boat. That night the boat sailed around the active lava flows from the volcano.

I actually missed this because once again I wasn't feeling well and I went to bed early. But our next days' excursion was the one I was looking forward to our whole trip and I really didn't want to miss it.

1 comment:

Kelly M said...

Looks like a blast! So sorry you were sick!