Thursday, December 10, 2009

Just For Me

I've decided to try to make some space in my office to get some work done and while going through a large stack of papers on the floor I came across this...

I guess Eden had a lesson in her primary class on fasting. This picture she drew says, "I would fast for my mom if she had bee stings." Then she colored a picture of a tree house with bees and I imagine that's me in front. I really appreciate that she would be so concerned that she would fast for me if I happened to get myself stung by a bunch of bees.


Shaun & April said...

That is so funny! Haven't found one of those at my house, so I guess if I get stung I'm going to call Eden.

Karin said...

That is sooooo sweat.

mreay said...

Don't you love finding stuff like that? It makes my day!! How cute is she!