Monday, May 2, 2011

Baby In A Bumbo

I didn't have a Bumbo chair with any of my other kids. They hadn't been invented yet. But a good friend let me borrow hers for Evelyn and it has been Wonderful!

Evelyn's been trying to hold her head up but isn't strong enough yet to sit up on her own.  This chair lets her participate with the family and play with a few toys without slumping and falling over.  


Ross and Kathy said...

She doesn't seem as sure about it as you sound.

Steve said...

She is so cute! And I love the bumbo too!!! They feel so much more included with everything going on around them...which leads to happier babies!

Steve said...

Sorry...that last comment was from Dani! Though Steve probably loves the bumbo too!

Britt said...

If I ever meet the inventor of the Bumbo, I'm going to kiss them right on the lips!