Monday, July 11, 2011

Beach Day

On Thursday we went with Ryan's sisters family and his cousin Brandon's wife Jackie and her kids to Laguna Beach. It had been a rainy morning but the beach was sunny and beautiful.  The wind was a bit chilly but the kids didn't seem to mind.

You can't see from the picture but the water was crystal clear.  The waves were huge and as each one rolled by you could almost see through it the water was so clear.  I don't ever remember the waves being that beautiful.

Dallin, Brittney and Braden braving the icy water.

Aunt Deb and Bailey.

This is baby Jane.  She was born the day after Evelyn although she was due over a week before!  Evelyn's got a few pounds on her but other than that they're the same size.  Jane is a total cutie.

Austin and Bridgette.

Can you say Happy?!

After the beach we all went back to Brandon's for the best hamburgers I think I've ever had.  They had garlic and feta cheese in them and tasted amazing.  The kids swam and ate and then swam some more.  I hope this means they'll be sleepy for the long drive home tomorrow.

I think I already mentioned when Evelyn's tired she just falls asleep.  But she did seem to fall asleep every time she was in Uncle Stu's arms (must be pretty comfortable).

Cameron thought she would sneak into Dallin and Brittney's goodbye picture.  Smooth move Cameron.

Saying goodbye is never easy but surprisingly this time there were no tears.  Oh yeah, that's because they're going to see each other again at the family reunion in August.

Thanks for all the fun Deb, Stu, Brandon, and Jackie!

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