Sunday, July 10, 2011


Wednesday June 15 we went to Legoland!  I want to shout out a big thanks to Ryan's cousin Jolene who was able to get our whole family tickets!  We had a lot of fun.

When we were driving into Legoland Ryan said "Look, even the ducks are made out of legos!" And we all laughed because the ducks he was pointing at were real.  Then just a few minutes later we saw these.  I guess it's true, even the ducks are made out of legos!

I think Legoland was designed with a five year old in mind.  All the rides were the perfect size and speed for Austin.  Dallin had a lot of fun but did mention once or twice that he wished some of the rides were faster.

I'm not sure if Evelyn knows how to be fussy.

Some of the lines were a little slow.

Austin was a surprisingly good driver.  He didn't need any help, stayed on the right side of the line, and professionally maneuvered each turn, albeit with his tongue hanging out.  It must help to focus.

Evelyn can't get enough of trying to put anything and everything into her mouth, including the camera.

Ryan took a million pictures of the Star Wars display.  He was in heaven.

I have to admit their miniature cities were fascinating.

When Evelyn's tired she sleeps.  Even if she isn't done playing with her toys.

Overall Legoland was a lot of fun and just as a side note, they have gluten free hamburger buns!

1 comment:

Stephanie T said...

We just went to Legoland too. We were going to go back today but everyone was so tired from our beach bonfire last night that we decided to wait a day. I agree with you, it's totally made for the littler kids.