Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June 8th

Evelyn doesn't like tummy time.  She has a bit of a flat head (to put it nicely) so at her four month checkup the doctor told me I had two months to give her lots of tummy time to round out her head or she was going to have to wear a helmet; 24 hours a day for 2 - 3 months.  I panicked but so far have only gotten Evelyn on her tummy a few minutes at a time a couple times a week.  It's been a real challenge.  We both don't like it.

1 comment:

Here at home said...

Dallin doesn't so much like his tummy time, either. He would much rather be standing up. I'm afraid he's going to want to walk before he ever figures out the crawling thing.
Good luck with her tummy time. She is so adorable.