Monday, November 21, 2011

10 Months!

On November 6 Evelyn turned 10 months old.  She stands holding on to furniture and toys.  She loves to look at books on the couch.  She can say "kitty, uh oh, all done" and maybe "hi Dad" or at least something that sounds like that.  She also meows like the cat and does a high pitched bark when she hears the dog Chester next door. She likes turkey, rice, peas, sweet potatoes, and Ritz crackers although she eats lots of other things.  She has two bottom teeth and is getting two top teeth but not her front ones so she's going to look like vampire baby. I guess that will be perfect for the premier of Breaking Dawn part 1 this month. She can clap her hands and play peak a boo and find anything anyone might have accidentally left on the floor.

Evelyn also loves to give hugs and big wet open mouth kisses.  She is still a super happy baby.  Her favorite time of day is when all the kids get home from school.  I think she's starting to miss them when they're gone. I know they definitely miss her. She's irresistible.

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

Pretty darn cute! You know you could always do a little video clip! Wouldn't that be nice?