Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Trick or Treat at Novell

Every year Novell invites children to come trick or treat.  I got the kids all dressed up and dropped them off with Dad so I could pick up my packet with the ladies for my big race the next day.  It looks like they had a lot of fun.

Austin was Darth Vader.

Eden was a half angel, half devil.  Cameron was an inmate with a mullet and scary face.  Evelyn was a butterfly in a tootoo (I don't know, it was something she could wear in a pinch).  Dallin wore his Ranger's Apprentice cape because I refused to buy him a new costume this year.  He's twelve, shouldn't he be done trick or treating?

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

If you're done "Trick-o-Treating" then you're just plain too old!