Friday, November 25, 2011

Oh Beautiful

 for spacious skies, 
For amber waves of grain, 
For purple mountain majesties 
Above the fruited plain! 
America! America! 
God shed his grace on thee 
And crown thy good with brotherhood 
From sea to shining sea! 

Wednesdays are always really hard days for me. I even wrote a post the afternoon of November 16th because it had been an especially hard day but decided not to post it because I don't really like complaining on my blog. Then that night as I was rushing around the house getting ready for dinner I glimpsed this view out the front door. I called all the kids to come quick and we took a moment to just stand in awe. In that moment I thought about all the things I'm grateful for; my beautiful children, a wonderful husband, a warm home, food to eat, good health, good friends, a country full of opportunities and freedoms, and a testimony that I am a child of God and that he loves me and knows me. My heart was full.


Ross and Kathy said...

Me too!

Breanne said...

Holy crap that is a stunning sunset!

Jacque said...

I love moments like that. You are doing a beautiful job managing so much everyday. That beautiful sunset is just a reflection of who you are! =)